Foster Care

New Hope for Children Adoption is dedicated to recruiting families who will open their hearts and homes to children in foster care until a permanency plan is established.

Most children entering foster care as a result of abuse and neglect in their home are able to successfully reunify with their family thanks to the hard work and commitment of their parents, their foster parents and the support from professionals. However, when children and youth cannot safely return home, adoption is the preferred alternative.

The state of New Hampshire is continually recruiting for families who are ready and able to commit to a child or youth waiting for adoption.

New Hampshire needs to increase its pool of foster and adoptive families who are ready and able to care for children in need. We need families who can provide emergency care, short-term care and those looking to adopt from foster care.

Information provided by: "Home At Last" Segment on NH Chronicle on WMUR-TV

Why must you have a foster care license to be a foster parent?

It is required by New Hampshire law. RSA 170-E: 27 License Required: Prohibition Against Child Endangerment: No person shall establish, maintain, operate, or conduct any agency for child care or for child-placing without a license or permit issued by the department under this subdivision. RSA 170-E: 25 Definitions II. "Child care agency" means any person, corporation, partnership, voluntary association or other organization either established for profit or otherwise, who regularly receives for care one or more children, unrelated to the operator of the agency, apart from the parents, in any facility as defined in this subdivision.

What is the role of a foster parent?

Foster parents are asked to provide a safe, stable, temporary, and caring atmosphere for a child placed in their home. Foster parents become part of a team effort to support the child and implement the plans made for the child. This will involve working with biological parents, courts, DCYF, and other involved agencies.

Who can become a foster parent?

Any New Hampshire resident, aged 21 or older can apply to be a licensed foster parent. Singles and/or couples must have the time and energy to give to a child, complete the application and approval process, meet the rules for foster care and attend an orientation and mandatory training.

Foster parents are licensed to care for unrelated children and must:

  • Complete a home study with a DCYF Resource Worker
  • Complete an autobiography
  • Submit fingerprint-based Criminal Records and Central Registry Checks of child abusers for household members over 17 years of age
  • Provide medical clearance statements on all family members
  • Submit the names of five references
  • Provide local fire and health inspections of the home
  • Participate in at least two home visits with a social worker
  • Successfully complete Foster & Adoptive Care Essentials (FACES) training
  • Foster Parents receive monthly board and care reimbursement when a child is placed in their home. These payments help pay for food, clothing, and other costs associated with caring for a child. The amount of the monthly payment varies depending on the age of the child and any identified special needs.
  • Fostering is both rewarding and challenging. Foster Parents can expect assistance and support from DCYF staff and other community agencies.

Information provided by: New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services

New Hope Foster Care Program

The State of New Hampshire has a high need for foster homes. New Hope for Children is a child placing agency and can permit foster homes on an emergency basis.

Those considering foster parenting must have a SAFE- Structured Analysis Family Evaluation Home Study as well as complete foster parent training education. New Hope’s social workers can perform this study for you and your family.

Foster Parent Training: FACES training information can be found at: contact New Hope for Children for more information regarding our foster care program.

Jamie City of Dover Health Inspector

New Hope for Children pulled off a Christmas miracle with the help of the Department of Health and Human Services and the City of Dover. We learned of two sets of siblings who had no where to spend Christmas and were in need of emergency placement. Those who know us most personally already know that we wanted to start a foster care program as part of our adoption agency. Well, all this morning and afternoon that has happened!

We were able to license one waiting family to take one of the sets of children and the City of Dover dropped everything to come inspect and approve our home, the State granted us a permit and we are on our way to bring two deserving little ones here so they can have a Christmas! If you have it in your heart to consider fostering, please contact us.

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