

The process of adopting a child can be a very overwhelming time in your life. Here at New Hope for Children, we will break down the daunting process of becoming “paper ready” into manageable steps working toward adoption day. 


Domestic Adoption Parents

New Hope For Children Birth Mothers

Alisa Karwowski, Executive Director, introducing her daughter to her birth mother.

New Hope for Children serves as your primary provider and will identify an infant/child for your referral. You can expect to have access to medical records for the birth mother and the baby. Most often, there will also be medical information on the birth father provided as well. You will also have access to social histories for both parents.

If your referral is from a different state than which you reside, New Hope will complete the ICPC, Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children, as apart of your adoption.

New Hope for Children is intent on spending a lot of time with expectant mothers prior to the birth, in an effort to ensure an adoption plan is the best decision for her and her child. We also work alongside mothers as they select an adoptive parent(s) for their child. There is often the opportunity for the expectant mother and adopting parents to meet and visit with one another more than once prior to the birth.

Domestic Adoption Requirements

Each state of origin has different requirements for adopting parents. In the state of New Hampshire, a person over twenty-one can be eligible to petition for an adoption. A qualified person who is traditionally married, single,  or same sex may be eligible to adopt.

New Hope For Children Adoption

New Hope Offers Necessary Training to Fulfill

Domestic Program Requirements

We offer the following services to parents wishing to adopt domestically:

  • Pre-adoption home studies
  • Post-adoption placement services, visits and reports
  • Ongoing counseling for adoptive parents and adoptive children
  • Pre-adoption training seminar outlined in He-C 6448.14 (8 Hrs)

New Hope for Children serves as the primary provider and Melissa Hanlon, Esq. serves as legal representation for either birth or adopting parents.

New Hope For Children adoptive parent training options:

  • Private in home training
  • Group training - Minimum 3 families

After completion of training, you will receive a certificate of completion from our agency.

For all questions, please email Tim Karwowski at

New Hope For Children Adoption

New Hope For Children

Pre-Adoptive Training Summary

The State of New Hampshire and New Hope for Children require that adopting people complete a minimum of eight hours of training prior to the completion of, and separate from the home study. Topics covered will include education on the process of adopting a child, the importance of the child’s identity, open versus semi-open adoption, relations with birth families, attachment issues and the overall preparation for parenting an adopted child. Certificates of training completion are required to be housed in your cumulative file at the New Hope for Children offices.

Important Note: All requirements of the state of origin will govern if any given requirement exceeds that of the State of New Hampshire.

I: At time of application:


Education provided by social worker regarding the home study process, things to know about domestic adoption, home study and court documents, and other training required to be completed before home study is finalized.

II: During home study process:


Education provided in client’s home by assigned social worker during the home study process. Topics covered include: the adoption process, characteristics of children available for adoption, medical issues, grief and loss, adjustment issues, parental expectations, transracial/transcultural parenting, attachment and bonding, developmental delays and available community resources, behavioral issues common to children who may have experienced early traumas, minimizing stress for the child and family during the transition period and beyond, pre and post- adoptive medical consultation resources, counseling and other supportive resources available in the family’s community.

  • Adoption Preparation Seminar: A minimum of eight hours of pre-adoptive training approved by the State of New Hampshire and New Hope for Children is required to be completed before a home study can be finalized. 
  • Examples of online approved trainings include those offered by Adoption Learning Partners or the National Council for Adoption (NCFA).

New Hope for Children offers both small group and in-home pre-adoptive training to New Hampshire residents. Please contact New Hope directly to discuss these options as well as to learn more about post adoption support and counseling.

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