Frequently Asked Questions

Adoption FAQ's

Am I/ Are we eligible to adopt?

Single and married people are able to adopt both domestically as well as internationally. Some countries have requirements with regard to single people as well as married couples to include length of time married as well as age requirements of each parent. Generally, parent(s) must be at least twenty-five and not older than fifty-five years old. You must also be deemed healthy by your primary care physician, and free of communicable disease and mental health disorders.

What if I have had an arrest in my past?

Having an arrest does not necessarily disqualify you as an adoptive parent. New Hope’s social workers will talk with you and review records to deem the appropriateness of your ability to adopt.

What does the home study entail?

A New Hope social worker will visit you in your home at least twice prior to completing home study report. We will be looking at your financial stability, your criminal records (CORI and Central Registry findings), a doctor’s examination to see that you are in good general health, that your home has the physical space for an adopted child and that there are no contradictions to adoption.

Are the infants and children who are eligible for adoption healthy?

Yes, the referrals for adoption are for healthy infants/children. You may choose to adopt a special needs child, if you wish.

How much will an adoption cost?

While there are factors that make this question difficult to answer, whether you are adopting domestically or internationally will impact cost when you factor in travel costs, etc. Many adoptive parents rely on home equity lines of credit, fundraising and/or adoption grants to help offset the costs of an adoption. You should consult your tax professional to determine your eligibility for a tax credit up to $13,400.00 after completion.

What pre-adoptive training will we need?

Each parent is required to participate in approved pre-adoptive parent training for a minimum of ten hours. You are encouraged to choose programs that best meet your adoption needs (adopting an infant or older child, what to expect if you are adopting a child internationally, etc.)

What is the difference between an open and closed adoption?

The adoptive parents and the birthmother/birth parents will decide if they would prefer an open or closed adoption plan. Many open adoptions are very limited to annual letters while some may include visits with the birth family. A closed adoption means that both the birthmother and adoptive parents agree that there will be no contact with one another throughout the adoptees childhood. The option for the adoptee to contact his/her birth family after the age of eighteen may still be possible, if they choose.

This is a very personal decision that New Hope will help you to come to. It is our goal that both the adoptive and birth family are in agreement to what the terms of an open or closed adoption will be. Deciding on an open or closed adoption will not influence the timeliness of your adoption but rather is an important piece of ensuring the adoption plan is the right one for your family.

Do I need to readopt my child in the state in which we reside?

The re-adoption process is very simple and will generate a birth certificate that includes the child’s legal name and the adoptive parents’ names.

What is the timeline I/we can expect from the time I/we begin the adoption process?

The length of time it will take to complete your adoption can vary. The major influences will be the length of time it takes for you to be paper ready as well as what you are looking for in a referral of an infant/child/children.

Can I/we adopt more than one child at a time?

Yes, often there are sibling groups and/or two children who have lived together that may be adopted by the same adoptive family at the same time.

What are post-placement visits?

Post placement visits are a requirement of every adoption. While there are different standards for each state as well as country of origin, New Hope has a minimum required amount of visits to your home post-adoption.

Each visit includes a meeting in your home with your social worker a complete report addressing the health and disposition of the adopted child, the attachment to the family, a summary of schooling and or other services, and an overall summary of how the placement is going.

Birth Mother FAQ's

What will an adoption plan cost me?

An adoption plan will not cost you anything. In fact, you can expect to have many of your expenses covered during pregnancy and after birth. This often includes financial support towards daily living expenses and time away from your job.

What does a relationship with my biological child look like post-adoption?

This is your child. Therefore, it is your decision on how much contact you maintain with your child and the adoptive family. Often times, women may feel as though they do not want to have contact with their child after placing them for adoption. The New Hope for Children adoption specialists will encourage each woman to keep the door open so that if they have a change of heart a few years later, they can hope to initiate contact. Our adoption specialists encourage birth and adoptive families to maintain open or semi-open adoptions as the child deserves to know their birth story and family.

Who decides what family my child will be placed with?

You will be able to view prospective adoptive parents and can expect to meet them (either in person or virtually) ahead of the birth of your child. You will receive support from our adoption specialists to help you to make the best choice of an adoptive home based on what is uniquely important to you.

What if I change my mind after I’ve created an adoption plan?

It is important to remember that you are in the “driver’s seat” throughout your pregnancy, delivery, and adoption plan. You are in complete control and the adoption decision is yours until you have relinquished your parental rights. We are simply here to support you.

“I was so glad to meet Alisa. I had some parts of my story that I was ashamed of. She did not judge me and was so understanding even when I ultimately did not make an adoption plan for my son.”

-Jill, Birth Mother.

What if my child has health complications?

The birth of any child can come with unexpected complications. If your child is born with a health condition, you will be able to make decisions in the best interests of your baby.

Why should I choose an adoption plan?

It is important to know that an adoption plan is not perfect for everyone. We know that this is a challenging decision in your life. We know that you will make the best decision for you and your child regardless of whether or not adoption is part of your plan. You will not feel pressure to choose an adoption plan, but rather to have the information needed to make the best decision for you and your baby.

However, if you do feel that adoption is best for you, your child will provide happiness and love to a family who is ready to welcome and support them.

What role does the biological father play in the adoption plan?

Many states have different laws regarding paternal rights. If the child’s biological father is known and is named on the birth certificate, he will need to relinquish rights to the child, just as you will. If his whereabouts is not known, our adoption specialists will work with a local attorney to attempt to locate the child’s biological father.

I am facing this pregnancy alone. What resources are available to support me during and after my pregnancy?

New Hope offers free professional counseling to all birth mothers as they navigate their way through their pregnancy, birth, and after birth. We will make sure you do not face this challenging time alone. Our Chief Executive Director, Alisa Karwowski, has over 20 years of experience and holds a private practice license in counseling. She is also an adoptive mother to three children herself, and is an expert on sensitive issues surrounding adoption. She knows firsthand what it is like to connect with a child’s birth family. She is available for support and to answer your questions at any time throughout your pregnancy, regardless of if you choose to make an adoption plan or not.

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